June 1, 2009, Monday
Last day in Amsterdam & night train to Munich
7:30. I woke up early to be fully awake for our Org & Admin test at 9:00am. I washed my laundry and ate breakfast. It was a pleasant morning for the most part. The exam was estimated to take an hour, but it took a large majority and myself 3 hours, fabulous :] The questions were not impossible, they just took 30 minutes + to answer. Following the exam I packed a little bit, hung out, painted my nails, watched the hills, it was an easygoing day. We did make an outing to an ATM and a group of girls –Kristen, Alyssa, McKenzie and myself- had a delicious lunch. The ice tea here is sparkling and it’s fabulous, I hope I can find it back in the states. We left for the train station around 4:30. Mile & a half walk with our luggage, but the sites were pretty. A couple of the girls had difficulty because their bags are broken; mines still staying together thank goodness! Our train wasn’t scheduled to leave until after 8. I understand arriving an hour early for a train, but not 3 hours. The times on this trip have been kinda ridiculous, but at least we’re never late. The train station was pretty dirty but it was a really great experience and I am more confident using trains in the future. Mary, Terrell, and I decided to wander around the city a bit, grab dinner, and just enjoy the last couple hours in Amsterdam outside. Time filled with laughter and godliness when I am with those two.
The train was super squished. I was expecting small, but not this small. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed being a sardine for a bit. At least everyone in the compartment was someone I knew. After lots of conversation I was exhausted and dropping hints that I wanted sleep, but I don’t think many others cared. I thought about just announcing that I was going to change into PJs in hopes that the boys would leave, but I withheld that comment. I acted annoyed, didn’t really do much considering people find it entertaining to see me irritated or frustrated. I went to get water and after a half hour excursion I came back to find them gone :] Prayer time with the girls and crazy moments before sleep. Like adjusting my blankets when Amelia dropped her passport resulting in it flying against the opposite wall and me trying to retrieve it without glasses, screaming, and boys coming to the rescue because of my yell. It was precious of them and very funny. Each car at 6 bunks: Mary, then Amelia, then me & Alyssa, then Chris, then Emily. I slept like a rock and woke up very happy. The sites from the train were beautiful and Germany is the greenest place I have ever been/seen.
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