Saturday, March 5, 2011

Starry Night - Chris August


  1. You are dead on! I have been singing this song every day for the past 3 weeks! It is the only song that comes to my head. Thanks for sharing the video because it's nice once in a while to actually see the words.

  2. I love this song!!! It was one that I listened to while I was in New Zealand taking long bus rides looking at the most beautiful scenery. This song reminded me how great our God is, that He designed such a beautiful world for us, and it made me feel so grateful to be His daughter :). Thanks for posting this song!

  3. Sometimes I just need to get out of my own head for awhile. This did it for sure.

  4. Thanks for posting this Corinne. I like what Nick said...I needed to get out of my own head for a while too!

  5. Amazing how music drives straight to my deepest heart chambers. Thanks.
