Hi J
Last semester Justin and I found our perfect team of 4 girls + 4 boys, plus us. They are each brilliant and have so much to bring to the team. Shockingly no one is musically talented, but boy can we dance! Lol J Our first team night took place on the night of a school wide event called Christmas Chaos and everyone certainly hit it off. The following week we had sleepovers, the girls at my place, boys at Justin’s after a time of frozen yogurt. Christmas break then took us from one another for a time. Justin and I were required to be back on campus early because we are apart of RezLife and had a training week. We were able to meet up with our Tiny Hands contact and chat with him about the organization and how we could serve while in Bangladesh. It was so great to be able to have face-to-face time. The following week our team met with him to go to a Bengali restaurant (sorta) and have a Q&A time. I do not know of any other teams that were able to meet with their contact yet. Therefore, this was a huge blessing. The food was a lot of potatoes and something that I cannot recall right now that begins with an L…. lentils! That’s it. Lots of sauces as well, not what I am used to in the least. It was a splendid evening.
We decided to have team meetings Sunday nights, 8:30-10:30. Last week the girls volunteered to make dinner, which was fabulous and put together a gift bag titled “Surviving Bangladesh” for Stephen, a boy on the team whose birthday happened to be that day. They decided on these things all on there own.
We have had other team times as well, we go to each other sporting events, concerts together, grabbing lunch together, its so great! I love love love it. We are already a family, how could God have blessed me with such great team chemistry.
This last week I was the due date for sending out sponsorship letters. I was able to get my first wave out.
Last weekend I had an all day leadership training day at CalBaptist. I learned so much, I cannot begin to write it all down. The sessions I went to were the ones God wanted me at! Andrew Gaines shared on the armor of God, ummm.. AMAZING. For lunch all teams (groups from APU, CalBaptist, Vanguard, San Diego Christian College, and even Simpson in Redding) were placed into rooms based upon the region they were traveling to and we shared our concerns, ideas, and such, then prayed for one another, such valuable time that I wish I could relive.
In two weekends training for all APU teams take place I believe in Twin Peaks. Should be excellent, I am greatly looking forward to it. Did I mention that I adore my co-leader and my team. Here’s a family picture:

Top Row: Angela, Lizzee, Chris, Stephen, Justin Bottom Row: Kyle, Taylor, Callee, Eddy, and me
An excerpt from a recent spiritual journey paper that I wrote:
I am now in training to co-lead a mission trip to Bangladesh this summer. It is so crazy. I am so honored by God. The people on my team may just possibly be the raddest people that applied to OWM missions 2010. This experience over seas will not be like anything I have seen or experienced before. Its kind of frightening. It is easy to fear what I have not seen, what I do not know, and what I cannot handle. However, the greatest concern is for the people I will be traveling with. They are somewhat entrusted in my will, and of course God’s will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, but I want them to be safe, healthy, happy, and having their needs met. I am ecstatic to say the least about my team and the bonding, growth, learning from one another, and love that will take place. For myself I am excited about seeing life differently, about finding God in my darkest hour, for building relationships, spreading love, and being forever changed. This trip is a once in a lifetime, probably not even that, perhaps one in several lifetimes, and I cannot fathom why God chose me, it blows my mind, and makes me joyful.
Currently, outside of direct preparation for my mission trip God has been transforming me in many areas of my life. Over Christmas break I read the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge. I was able to see Christ as the lover of my soul, as truly everything. I had said this countless times before, however I still struggled with what that felt like. However, this book unlocked the door that I think God was trying to have me open for months. Things started to click. I better understand and accept the woman I am, the women and men around me, and that God is my everything and I can never look to a man to fulfill my needs because they can only fully be met by God and this was how I was designed. Another thing I have been learning is that plans change. God may speak to you one day causing you to go on a journey, but the destination you thought that path would take you to turns out completely different than you expected. It is important not to assume when it comes to the plans of God. I must let him lead, guide, and direct my steps without assuming I know the way or the ultimate purpose. I am always being taught more about grace and forgiveness. I do not think I will ever be done learning, but that is all the more fun I believe.
xoxo, mucho love! Corinne